(International Academy of Sports and Technology: 略称 AISTS)
- 1.概要
- 期 間:
- 14ケ月
- 授業料:
- 28,000スイスフラン
*アスリ-トスカラ-シップの対象に選ばれた場合は、授業料の50%免除あり。 - 対象者:
- International Athlete (学士号所持者)
- 2.連絡先:
- JARA事務局国司業務担当 相葉 繁 メール
- 3.JARAへの締切日:
- 2015年6月30日(火)
The AISTS (International Academy of Sports Science and Technology), founded by the International Olympic Committee in 2000, organises the AISTS MSA (Masters in Sports Administration) each year, which attracts people from all over the world wanting to work in sports administration.
We offer one athlete scholarship to an international athlete either approaching the end of their career or having recently retired to support them with their career transition.
The AISTS Athlete Scholarship covers 50% of the total AISTS MSA tuition fee but does not cover the remaining 50%, living expenses (accommodation, insurance, etc.) or travel.
Participants of the AISTS MSA must hold a bachelors degree from a recognised university and speak English in order to be able to follow lectures and exams. The full application process including documents, which need to be submitted, and the on-line application form can be found here:http://www.aists.org/application
We would like to ask your support in sharing this information with your national sport federations and international athletes.
If you could also post the information on your official communication channels (website, social media, etc.) that would be much appreciated.
Other quick links, where you can find addition information about the programme, are:
How To Apply (http://www.aists.org/application)
Deadline, Fees & Funding (http://www.aists.org/fees)
Scholarships (http://www.aists.org/scholarships)
Syllabus (http://www.aists.org/syllabus)
2015 Participant Profiles (http://www.aists.org/2015)