
国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)が2024年パリ五輪の実施種目を決定しました。この件について国際ボート連盟(World Rowing、以後WR)より発表があり発表があり、和訳を公表いたします(日本ボート協会)

(C)DetlevSeyb / My Rowing Photo.com


WRは、「2024年のパリ五輪の競技プログラムにCoastal Rowing種目を追加するというWR提案」についてのIOC理事会の決定と、パリ五輪で開催される28競技(新規4競技を含む)の総選手枠を1万500人へ削減するというIOC決定を受領した事を表明します。



「IOC理事会は、WRからの提案、具体的には、24年パリ五輪から軽量級種目を撤廃する代わりに、新たにCoastal Rowing種目を導入する事につき、検討した。」

「IOC理事会は、WRによる五輪種目へのCoastal Rowingの追加提案は、(Flatwater Rowingが困難な)島国や沿岸国に対して、沿岸部や海/湖等のOpen waterにおけるRowingの普及可能性をもたらす観点で付加価値があると認め、称賛する。この主張は、2026年ユース五輪(アフリカ・セネガルのダカールで開催予定)におけるCoastal Rowing競技開催への確かな道筋へ繋がる流れであった。」

「しかしながら、Covid19が2024年パリ五輪に与える影響を鑑み、コスト削減や複雑な変更を回避する必要性がIOC理事会にて指摘され、IOCの担当委員会においてパリ五輪では、全競技において、新形態(new discipline)の導入が見送られる事が確定した。このため、IOCの担当委員会はWRに対して従来通りの14種目を継続する旨、提案した。 2028年ロス五輪を視野に入れた場合、IOC五輪プログラム委員会とIOC理事会は、Coastal Rowing種目が沿岸部で実施される特性を踏まえ、ロサンゼルスの地理的特徴への適合性の高さを指摘し、2021年に決定する事を予定している2028年ロス五輪で実施される競技にCoastal Rowingの導入が前向きに検討される事を希望した。」



「五輪大会にCoastal Rowingが含まれる事を期待した人たちにとって、残念なニュースとなってしまった。しかし、2024年パリ五輪組織委と過去9カ月にわたって協議してきたが、新たな取組みに対して、予算的にも人的にも余裕が無い事が分かった。WRとして、人的にも経済的にもフランスがCovid19から受けた被害の大きさを目の当たりにする事となり、従前の世界から変わったという事実を突きつけられた。



「2つ目のプラス側面は、Coastal Rowingの導入案に対してIOCの前向きな反応を引き出せた事だ。WRとして、引続きIOC及び28年ロス五輪組織委と建設的な協議を続け、同大会における採用に向け尽力する。」


WR会長 JCロランド
WR 代表理事 マットスミス


7 December 2020
Lausanne, Switzerland 

World Rowing confirms receipt of the decision of the IOC Executive Board on the World Rowing proposal to add the discipline of Coastal Rowing to the event programme of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games and the IOC decision on quotas for the 28 core sports to reduce so that the total athlete quota is 10’500 including the four additional sports to be staged in Paris. The full press release is found here:

The IOC communicated this text this evening to World Rowing:

"It should be noted that the IOC Executive Board reviewed the request from World Rowing to change the event programme for Paris 2024 to include the new discipline of Coastal Rowing to replace the Lightweight Rowing events.
The IOC Executive Board praised the strong case put forward by World Rowing regarding the added value of this discipline to the Olympic programme, flexibly adapting to most coastal and open water areas and adding a new accessible development opportunity for island and coastal nations around the world. These strong arguments were indeed the basis for its successful introduction to the Youth Olympic Games Dakar 2026.
However, in light of the impact of the COVID19 pandemic and the need to reduce costs and complexity for Paris 2024 specifically highlighted by IOC Executive Board, the Commission concluded that no new disciplines could be added across any sport. Therefore, for Paris 2024, the Commission proposed to continue with the existing rowing programme of 14 events.
In view of Los Angeles 2028, the Olympic Programme Commission and the IOC Executive Board highlighted how the beach nature of the Coastal Rowing events could represent a very strong fit with the vision and venue landscape of Los Angeles and, following the definition of the LA2028 Sport Programme due in 2021, look forward to positively considering the inclusion of Coastal Rowing in the event programme for Los Angeles 2028."

In addition, the decision for the quota of rowing is to reduce by 24 positions, from 526 to 502 athletes.

World Rowing President Jean-Christophe Rolland had the following comment:
Of course, this is disappointing news for all those who are convinced that Coastal Rowing is a clear added value for the Olympic Games and for the sport, in general. But, over the past nine months, it has become clear that there was no tolerance within the budget and the human resource areas for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games Organising Committee, and that any new costs or added organisational demands would be challenged. We acknowledge that the world has changed and that France has had a massive impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, in human and economic terms.

World Rowing also understands the challenge of the quota across all sports and appreciates that it, along with ten other sports, had to bear the consequences of the decision to add the four sports within the terms of Olympic Charter, i.e., 10500 athletes. We will find the best way to deal with these 24 places over the next few months.

The good news here is that the lightweights get one more Olympic Games, and that there was no reduction in the number of events. Lightweight rowing is a massively popular category of our sport and hopefully this comes as great news to lightweight rowing community all around the world.

The second reason for satisfaction is the positive feedback on the proposal for the inclusion of Coastal rowing in the Olympic programme. We do look forward to pursuing the constructive dialogue and the concrete discussions with the IOC and LA2028 to eventually see Coastal rowing events at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 2028.

World Rowing will hold a member federation Zoom meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, 8 December 2020 at 13:00 hrs CET for representatives of World Rowing member federations.

Jean-Christophe Rolland, President
Matt Smith, Executive Director